- couple of Behringer SY-1 pics (mods probably soon): https://maffez.com/?page_id=4843
couple of Moog Muse pics: https://maffez.com/?page_id=4776 - check out tunegirl rocking that drummy! https://www.instagram.com/the_tunegirl/reel/C9aAUH_NP0m/?hl=en
Patrick “LED-man” would be available for implementing my QCOMP board for the Waldorf M, if you are interested in having this done (https://www.diysynth.de/shop_content.php?coID=7). - MSW are very patient with my constant errors (I get awfully nervous when cool synth makers get in touch), but looks like my VCO reset mod is going to be part of their wonderful SY-1 Syncussion replica.
- My dear friend Pedro (#fluteguy) is keen on rocking a Kobol expander with sweet extras
- spent a lot of time reading up on gender aspects in the music industry (check my DEI section also), and will up a longer bibliography very soon.
- Nerds on Acid releasing some tracks with a “maffez bass“… hmm 😉 https://www.promo-cloud.com/p/0H2VCG13KI
- So, Tyler Johnson gets in touch saying they love what I’m doing with drum machine modding and all that, and I’m like „oh, wow…“ 🙂
- Just modded some beautiful Model Ds for Pedro and Juan aka Snow Owl – an honour and a blast as these are entirely catered to woodwind and bass duties respectively – nice! 🙂

- This page will turn 3 years (ugh) in March – 1.4 Million views – thanks, for your interest, folks!!!
- May the holy power of space cats vibe hard with this acidline! Nerds with Acid rock!

- Martin @ mentzelmedia sent me this pics of his Model D conversion project and was so kind as to allow me posting them – looks so good!

- Exploding Shed are to carry a couple of my D3MIX modules as DIY kits very soon!
- Chuffed to see that Pedro Eustache was using a proton my D3MIX module for the soundtrack of Avatar 2, whoop!
- Gimmik apparently became obsessed with some of my mods 🙂
- Pedro Eustache on tour with a Behringer 2600 which I had the pleasure to modify! Pedro toured his custom 2600 with Hans Zimmer and band, and when Behringer got wind of it, they did this interview with Pedro where he shows the synthesizer, concluding that he “couldn’t do what I do without it”! He even played it in the official Dune performance video.

- Sebastian Berweck of Bonedo.de wrote a sweet modding workshop, including pics and sounds, based on my material here: https://www.bonedo.de/artikel/einzelansicht/behringer-model-d-modding-workshop.html
- Jamie Liddell is rocking a Behringer RD8 modded extensively by me